Shubham Mehrotra

Personal Branding

Blending Strategy, Design & Technology To Co-Create Personal Brands That Are Both Brilliant And Successful. Shubham helps you leverage your story to craft a strong, relatable brand with an ultimate goal to stand out from the competition.

Find your position in the marketplace with creative ideas & fresh technology solutions.

Shubham helps you leverage your story to craft a strong, relatable brand with an ultimate goal to stand out from the competition and expert guidance to develop and enhance a brand’s identity. Through collaborative efforts, businesses establish a compelling brand image that aligns with their goals, fostering customer trust and lasting impact.

Personal Branding is most useful for...

Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Clarify your unique value so you can stand out to clients & customers.


Define your leadership style to drive greater results.


Tap into your strengths & interests to pursue more meaningful work.


Inspire employees to achieve more by leveraging their unique strengths.

Personal Branding Strategy

Want to launch your business? Land new customers?
Or just blow up your personal brand? I can help. In countless ways.

Uncovering your unique strengths, values, passions, and skills to build an authentic personal brand.

Target Audience

Defining the specific group of people you want to connect with and influence through your personal brand.

Brand Values

Articulating the core principles and beliefs that guide your actions and decisions, forming the foundation of your personal brand.

Online Presence

Understanding the audience’s needs, preferences, and behaviors to tailor branding efforts effectively.

Visual Identity

Designing a consistent visual representation including logos, colors, and imagery that aligns with your personal brand.


Planning and creating valuable content that showcases your expertise and engages your target audience.

Thought Leadership

Sharing insightful perspectives and expertise to position yourself as an authority in your field.

Online Reputation

Monitoring and managing your online presence to ensure it aligns with your personal brand values and goals

Personal Branding Strategy

Want to launch your business? Land new customers? Or just blow up your personal brand? I can help. In countless ways.


Uncovering your unique strengths, values, passions, and skills to build an authentic personal brand.

Target Audience

Defining the specific group of people you want to connect with and influence through your personal brand.

Brand Values

Articulating the core principles and beliefs that guide your actions and decisions, forming the foundation of your personal brand.

Online Presence

Crafting a compelling digital footprint through social media, websites, and content that accurately reflects your personal brand.

Identity Creation

Designing a consistent visual representation including logos, colors, and imagery that aligns with your personal brand.


Planning and creating valuable content that showcases your expertise and engages your target audience.

Thought Leadership

Sharing insightful perspectives and expertise to position yourself as an authority in your field.

Online Reputation

Monitoring and managing your online presence to ensure it aligns with your personal brand values and goals